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Slintavka a kulhavka ve Velké Británii (4)

As already indicated, an emergency Commission Decision will be adopted today in relation to the restriction on movements of animals and products thereof within and from UK, in accordance with the EU Directive on the control of FMD and with the measures already taken by the UK. The Decision should be notified to the Members States before tonight and published shortly.


EU Commission Decision

The main measures included in the Decision as represented by:

  • ban on the movements of all live bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine animals and other biungulates within, from and through the whole Great Britain;
  • the competent authorities may authorize the direct and uninterrupted transit through Great Britain of those animals on main roads and railway lines;
  • live animals of the species mentioned above can be sent from the UK non-restricted areas (i.e. Northern Ireland) to other Member States, subject to a specific wording to be included in the health certificate accompanying the animals;
  • ban on the dispatch of fresh meat, minced meat, meat preparations and mechanically separated meat derived from those animals species from the whole Great Britain;
  • such products have to be marked with a specific mark;
  • the ban does not apply to such products if they have been obtained before 15 July 2007 and have been transported and stored separately, since the date of production, from the meat not eligible for dispatch; cutting plant can also use such meat under certain conditions;
  • ban on the dispatch of meat products (including treated stomachs, bladders and intestines) derived from those animals species from the whole Great Britain;
  • the ban does not apply to such products if they have been made from meats obtained before 15 July 2007 and have been transported and stored separately, since the date of production, from the products not eligible for dispatch;
  • the ban does not apply to such products if they have been treated according to certain specific heat treatments;
  • the ban does not apply to such products if they have not been produced in the UK and remained in their original packaging indicating the country of origin;
  • the ban does not apply to such products if they have been produced in UK approved establishments from pre-processed products not originating from UK and that have been transported, stored and processed separately from product not eligible for dispatch since their introduction into the UK;
  • products not covered by the ban shall be obtained in plants listed in a specific list by the authorities and the health certificate accompanying them must include a specific wording indicating compliance with the EU Decision (commercial document in the case of meat products);
  • other similar requirements apply to milk, diary products, semen, ova, embryos, hides and skins, dung and manure and other products derived from the animal species mentioned above;
  • the ban does not apply to a series of products either produced before 15 July 2007 or treated with a specific heat treatment, which are anyway subject to a specific wording in the health certificate or commercial document (depending on the cases) which accompany them;
  • one example of products not subject to such restrictions is represented by casings, provided that they have been cleaned, scraped and then either salted, bleached or dried and for which subsequent effective steps have been taken to prevent their recontamination;
  • ban on the movements of live animals of the species mentioned above from other Member States to the UK;
  • personal luggage of travelers from the UK shall be monitored by Member States authorities;
  • movements of equine animals are possible from holdings where no outbreaks are described, provided that specific certificates accompany them.


Zdroj: UECBV