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Slintavka a kulhavka ve Velké Británii (16)

General situation

The situation is constantly improving in the UK. No new outbreaks have been recorded and both the temporary control zones (based on suspicions) set up outside the surveillance zone in Surrey and Kent were lifted a few days ago, because the infection with FMD virus was excluded.


National measures - The Netherlands

The Dutch ban on movements/imports/exports of FMD susceptible animals was lifted last week, with the obvious exception of the imports from Great Britain, in accordance with EU legislation.


Licences for movements

A series of licences for movements of animals and commodities have been modified/granted during the last few days and some others are foreseen if the situation does not change, such as:

  • General licence for the movement of Cattle or Sheep from premises in a Restricted Zone to a premises licensed to hold an animal gathering for the purpose of a dedicated slaughter sale or a dedicated slaughter collection. Note - This licence is not yet in effect. Subject to no further cases being confirmed or suspected, this licence will be signed and will come into effect at 00.01 on Thursday 23rd August 2007.
  • General licence for the movement of Cattle and Sheep from premises licensed for the purpose of a dedicated slaughter sale or a dedicated slaughter collection to an approved slaughterhouse. Note - This licence is not yet in effect. Subject to no further cases being confirmed or suspected, this licence will be signed and will come into effect at 00.01 on Thursday 23rd August 2007.

See the press release below as regards the two abovementioned licences.

  • Revised General licence for the movement of carcases of susceptible animals from premises in a Restricted Zone (including Protection Zone and Surveillance Zone) to a laboratory of the Veterinary Laboratories Agency for diagnostic purposes.
  • General licence comes into force for the movement in a Restricted Zone of bovines for calving or which have calved (together with their calf) since 3 August for welfare purposes. Licence entered into effect at 00:01 on 18th August 2007.
  • General licence authorising establishments in a protection Zone or a Surveillance Zone other than a slaughterhouse to produce fresh meat, minced meat, mechanically separated meat and meat preparations from susceptible animals.
  • General licence authorising establishments in a Surveillance Zone to produce meat products from susceptible animals.
  • General Licence for the movement of carcases for burial or disposal from premises in a Protected Zone or Surveillance Zone by Highways Agency Staff or Officers of Local Authorities.
  • Revised General Licence for the movement of carcases from premises in a Restricted Zone.


Press release DEFRA UK 20 August

FMD update: collection centres and slaughter markets

Debby Reynolds, Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), has today set out the plans to allow the movement of cattle and sheep direct to slaughter collections and sales from 23 August subject to no alteration to the level of risk.

The core group has continued to work in partnership with Defra to develop joint plans to enable the collection and distribution of livestock direct to slaughter, where the highest level of biosecurity and traceability can be maintained.

CVO Debby Reynolds said:

"These plans form the next step in our ongoing risk-based, staged approach to movement controls. Collection centres and direct to slaughter sales will be able to commence from midnight on Wednesday, operating from Thursday 23 August providing there is no alteration to the level of risk."

The core group of stakeholders said:

"We have been working in partnership with Defra at the highest level and believe that industry will be delighted with the introduction of these new measures which will help the orderly marketing of stock until normal movements can take place. We particularly appreciate the time and effort of the staff which enabled the introduction of dedicated slaughter markets as well as collection centres. Vigilant and compliant operation of the above is of critical importance. The remaining timetable and therefore our return to normality relies on effective and responsible implementation."

Notes to editors

1. A collection centre is a gathering of animals in one place to sort them into size before going to an abattoir. A dedicated slaughter market will operate on the same basis as a collection centre but in addition allows for buyers to bid for animals on behalf of an abattoir.

2. Operators already approved under the Animal Gatherings (England) Order 2006 should apply to their local Animal Health Office for a licence to operate a collection centre or dedicated slaughter market. A copy of the application form and conditions that must be met can be found on the Defra website at: www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/diseases/fmd/movements/index.htm

and is also being distributed through the Livestock Auctioneers Association.

3. The earliest timetable to disease free status was set out on 15th August and can be viewed at: www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/diseases/fmd/movements/welfare-movements.htm

4. The core group is comprised of senior individuals from the following organisations, attending in a personal capacity:

Ben Messer Bennetts (Livestock Auctioneers Association)
Duff Burrell (National Beef Association)
David Catlow (British Veterinary Association)
Kevin Pearce (NFU)
Peter Morris (National Sheep Association)
Stewart Houston (British Pig Executive)
Stuart Roberts (British Meat Processors Association)

5. Defra public helpline (08459 33 55 77) is open Mon-Fri: 9.00am to 5.00pm (8.00am to 8.00pm Mon-Fri and 9.00am to 5.00pm Sat-Sun for enquiries relating to Foot and Mouth Disease).
(Note: the Helpline opening hours changed subsequent to the issue of this news release. For current Helpline hours please see "Contacting Defra")

6. Where farmers are facing acute welfare problems as a result of movement restrictions they can contact the RSPCA Farm Welfare Hotline 0870 7538 333

7. The latest information on the current Foot and Mouth disease can be found on the Defra website: www.defra.gov.uk/footandmouth/


International restrictions on the products from the UK

Below the updated information provided by the UK authorities about the restrictions officially notified from third countries to the UK. The list is not exhaustive.

Antigua & Barbuda Meat and dairy products from UK.
Australia All susceptible livestock and their products, including germplasm, from UK.
Other related commodities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Barbados All susceptible livestock and their products, including dairy products made from unpasteurised milk, from GB.
Canada All susceptibles animals and animal products from UK.
Cayman Islands All susceptible livestock and their products, including beef, from UK.
China All even-toed ungulates and their products from UK.
Dominica All susceptible livestock and their products, including beef, from UK.
Falkland Islands Same measures and certification as those introduced by the European Union.
Grenada Livestock and livestock products from UK.
Guernsey Same measures and certification as those introduced by the European Union.
Jamaica All susceptible livestock and products (including germplasm) from the UK. Other related commodities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Japan Pork etc from UK.
Jersey Same measures and certification as those introduced by the European Union..
Mexico All susceptible animals and their products, including germplasm from UK (including Northern Ireland).
Peru All live cattle and pigs, all susceptible unprocessed products and meats derived from these animals (including germplasm) from UK.
Philippines All meat products from UK.
Russian Federation Cattle, pigs, wild hoofed animals, meat products, all types of cattle products that has not received thermal treatment, feed stuff for these animals that has not received thermal treatment, milk and milk products from GB.
South Korea Pigs and pig products from UK.
South Africa No import permits will be issued for cloven-hoofed animals and products derived thereof from UK. Goods produced in such a way as to inactivate the FMD virus are excluded from the suspension.
St Lucia All susceptible livestock and their products, including beef, from UK.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines All susceptible livestock and their products from England.
Switzerland Same measures and certification as those introduced by the European Union.
Taiwan All animals products (from cattle, pigs, sheep, deer etc) from UK.
Thailand Live animals and carcasses of cattle, goats, sheep and pigs from UK.
UAE Meat and livestock from GB.
Ukraine All susceptible livestock and raw meats or products derived thereof from England.


Standing Committee 23 August

Commission Decision 2007/554/EC will be probably amended by the Standing Committee next Thursday. Provided that the situation does not change and in particular that no new outbreaks are detected, regionalization of Great Britain might be expected.


Zdroj: UECBV